Bethlehem Community Child Care Center
Infant and Toddler Program
Infants can be enrolled in Bethlehem CC at 6 weeks of age. Our infant staff and rooms are warm and welcoming to make our new students and families feel at home. Our teachers follow your infants daily feeding and sleep schedule. Parents can provide their infant with breast milk or formula and baby food of their choice or use the brands provided by the preschool.
In addition to holding and cuddling with your infant, our teachers are always interacting and talking with them to encourage their mental and physical development. Your child will learn to grasp toys, vocalize sounds, recognize pictures of familiar objects and work on developing their gross motor skills.
As your infant grows into a toddler they begin more structured activities in the classroom, such as circle time and learning centers. Toddlers learn to drink from an open face cup and sleep on a cot. Your child will begin singing songs, learn shapes and colors, and build a vocabulary. Toddlers have many opportunities to explore their world and learn social interaction within the classrooms and on the playground.

Infant Feeding Schedule
*Required for children 15montsh and younger